Mostrando resultados para "Harper, James"

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Titulo Precio
Chemical Engineering in Practice.

Autor: Harper, James


€ 39

Hitler, a study in tyranny.

Autor: Alan Bullock


€ 26

In search of History.

Autor: Theodore White


€ 12

The Soong Dynasty.

Autor: Sterling Seagrave


€ 31

Commander in chief.

Autor: Eric Larrabee


€ 28

America in search of itself.

Autor: Theodore White


€ 29

Two years in the french west indies.

Autor: Lafcadio Hearn


€ 60

The future of man.

Autor: Pierre Teilhard De Chardin


€ 30


Autor: Mikhail Gorbachev


€ 17

Civilisation. A personal view

Autor: Kenneth Clark


€ 20

Este árbol brota del infierno. Mictlán, Xibalbá y la religiosidad en Mesoamérica.

Autor: Ptolemy Tompkins


€ 65

The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Egypt and the Ancient Near East.

Autor: Museos


€ 35

De le esprit des lois. Avec des notes de Voltaire, Crevier, de la Harpe.

Autor: Montesquieu


€ 45

Los Jesuitas en Chiloé y Valdivia.

Autor: Joseph Harter S.j.


€ 95

El fuego secreto de los filòsofos.

Autor: Patrick Harpur


€ 31